Tips For Mindful Eating & Better Digestion

MIndful Eating & Digestion

What Does Ayurveda Believe About Digestive Health?

“All disease begins in the gut.” This famous quote by Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, is one of the main principles of Ayurvedic medicine. 


  • Bitters before meals to get the body juicy and ready for digestion.

  • Eat on a regularly scheduled time:Ideally this is between 8-9am, 12-1pm, and 5-6pm.

    NO eating 3-4 hours before bedtime.

  • If you must have a snack in between meals berries are a great choice. Blueberries in

    particular are really good for healthy digestion.

  • Pray over your food. Whatever your beliefs are, express your gratitude. Praying imbues

    your food with positive energy. Ask that the nutrients you take in nourish and heal your


  • Before eating take 3 deep slow breaths. Digestion is better when you are relaxed. No

    quarreling or emotionally charged discussions at the dinner table.

  • Make sure to sit down to eat and remove all electronics (no TV, or cell phones etc)

  • CHEW YOUR FOOD. Count 25 chews without swallowing, food should be liquid before

    you swallow

  • After eating take a 10 minute rest time and do some belly breathing or light abdominal

    massage in a clockwise direction. No TV, or cell phone, chill music is ok. This will allow

    you stomach to put more energy towards those first few minutes of digestion.

  • After your 10 minutes rest period is up take a brisk walk around the block. A meditative

    walk is amazing, go over the things you are grateful for and try to set your worries aside

    for a few minutes.

  • Try to avoid foods that cause gas, bloating, or indigestion.


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